Expedition 32: Crosstown Trail Sections 5 and 4

May 1, 2024: I started at Lobos Valley Creek Trail boardwalk where I left off in January (Expedition 24) and walked south. This is about halfway through section 5. The path meanders through a field of coastal natives, including lots of lizards sunning themselves. 

Then you’re back in the city again, although walking on the tree lined dirt path between Park Presidio and Funston. At Clement, I spotted the grand home of the Internet Archive (a former church). They give tours on Fridays and will probably appear in a future expedition. The path is pretty, but the traffic noise is not. 

Soon I arrived at Golden Gate Park’s abundantly blossoming Rose Garden. In one of the park’s many open spaces I found these game pieces just waiting for players. The park has so many amenities like this in the past bunch of years, especially since Kennedy Drive is now a pedestrian mall. 

The trail took me past the Pioneer Log Cabin, built in 1911 as the clubhouse of the Association of Pioneer Women of California by the architects of the Fairmont Hotel, the 1909 Cliff House and Oakland’s Grand Lake Theatre. Kind of a small project for them! According to SF Gate, this year it will be available to rent out for parties. Cool! 

The Blue Heron Lake Boathouse was built in the late 40’s with a vaguely alpine theme. I’m glad it hasn’t been modernized! The trail crosses the very green lake (algae, I believe) over two bridges and then leads out to 19th Avenue and Lincoln. I took a few quick photos of the gateway before I jumped on the bus to get back to my starting point. 

This gate is the tallest (the original design called for it to be 90 feet high!) and was donated by Christine Breon. “To all who enter the park,” it reads. I’ve never thought about the park gates, since you can enter the park at many points. There are four in all. 

I only have a short section left to walk on the Crosstown Trail. This particular section was pleasant but didn’t give me much to write about. When I went to the CT site to view the map again, I discovered there’s a Double Cross Trail that goes from the southwest corner to the northeast, creating an X with the Crosstown Trail. I swear it wasn’t on the website last time I looked! Anyway, I guess I’m not quite done. 

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