Expedition 46: Local artsy stuff

My first stop was at a gallery/salon/shop called Grand Opening, hidden away at the far end of 4th Street in Berkeley (you can find them on Instagram). Out front is a repurposed newspaper box where you can trade cassettes and CDs. The salon hosts events too. I plan to go to Saturday’s event, the Canned Seafood Cook Off! 

There is artwork all over the walls that’s for sale. Tyler, the volunteer that day, told me that members of the collective price their artworks on the low side to get them out the door. As every artist knows, unsold artwork starts to pile up and get in the way! 

Grand Opening has been open for about a year but I didn’t hear about it until the Wingnut Museum moved in. It was previously housed by its creator at Urban Ore. Its grand opening at Grand Opening made me aware of it. I particularly liked the Most Unique Wingnut piece, which reminded me of one of my favorite Yoko Ono pieces, A Box of Smile.

Also at Grand Opening is the Illusion Room. I wasn’t allowed to photograph it. In fact, my phone was dramatically placed in a velvet lined box that Tyler wrapped tightly with a heavy chain and locked. They are serious about preserving the room’s secrecy so you’ll just have to visit yourself.

Next, I went to the Art House on Shattuck. By mistake I went into the dog accessory shop next door but it was worth a look. Paco looks like a very noble dog. The Art House was closed but I admired the gold painted phone kiosk outside. I think they’re mainly open for evening music events.

I wanted to end up at the Berkeley Historical Society & Museum downtown. I arrived 15 minutes before closing but they were already closed! Darn. I wanted to see the inside of the Veteran’s Memorial Building too, designed in the late 1920’s. Another time!

Fortunately, I was near another artsy site, the Curiosity Shop, which advertises that it has 100,000 THINGS YOU DON’T NEED and had a previous incarnation at Venice Beach. Most of it is costume jewelry priced at $5 or less. I visited on a Saturday since my other destinations are only open weekends, and it was packed. It made me a bit claustrophobic. I did like this basket of tiny bottles and cans though. 

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